Life has been up and down since my last blog, currently up :-)
I've been getin' lazy as you can tell (my two readers, lol) and I apologize. I actually just thought about shuttin' down this blog and sticking with vlogs, but I convinced myself not to.
As of late, nothing really exciting has been going on that I haven't mentioned in a video. I do have a question for ya'l though, and I might not vlog about this:
The other day I was out and I saw* a fairly attractive guy, so of course I was gawking like a creep (not really, but I was checking him out.) And then after hearing his voice, I realized it was a girl! :O
Well, I was quite shocked but also amused. That still didn't change the fact that I thought she was hot, because she was.
Now, I've been identifying myself as being gay, but what does that experience make me exactly? I THOUGHT she was a guy so I thought she was pretty hot, but then she wasn't and I still thought she was hot.
Without sounding too perverted, but after I'm in a long-term commmitted relationship with someone, I eventually plan on having sex (sometime before i die.. x_x"). I just can't find a woman's "parts" atractive, in any way shape or form. Ew.
So my question is, am I still really gay? What does it mean if I like a girl because I thought she was a guy but after I found out the truth, she was still hot.
confusing stuff, and I'm not entirely sure how to word it without it sounding even more confusing.