Life has been up and down since my last blog, currently up :-)
I've been getin' lazy as you can tell (my two readers, lol) and I apologize. I actually just thought about shuttin' down this blog and sticking with vlogs, but I convinced myself not to.
As of late, nothing really exciting has been going on that I haven't mentioned in a video. I do have a question for ya'l though, and I might not vlog about this:
The other day I was out and I saw* a fairly attractive guy, so of course I was gawking like a creep (not really, but I was checking him out.) And then after hearing his voice, I realized it was a girl! :O
Well, I was quite shocked but also amused. That still didn't change the fact that I thought she was hot, because she was.
Now, I've been identifying myself as being gay, but what does that experience make me exactly? I THOUGHT she was a guy so I thought she was pretty hot, but then she wasn't and I still thought she was hot.
Without sounding too perverted, but after I'm in a long-term commmitted relationship with someone, I eventually plan on having sex (sometime before i die.. x_x"). I just can't find a woman's "parts" atractive, in any way shape or form. Ew.
So my question is, am I still really gay? What does it mean if I like a girl because I thought she was a guy but after I found out the truth, she was still hot.
confusing stuff, and I'm not entirely sure how to word it without it sounding even more confusing.
Haha I thought of that once two!
I suppose its just penis + manly-ness thats what we like. :)
its ameer btw, just too lazy to log on right now
Hun thinking a girl is hot is normal, I am 26 I have been out for 10 years and well I always check out lesbians they look so manly its hard not to. Dont feel like this is something you need to question its part of life.
You are adorable!!
I question my sexuality sometimes, too, and as of late - there's this girl who works with me who has this really gentle, kind warmth to her, and I can't help but admire this vibe she exudes. She refreshes me in a lot of ways. But sexually, I'm just not attracted to her.
However, I cannot eliminate ever having a relationship w/ her just because I'm geared towards testosterone...
We're just human. We are attracted to what we are attracted to, and only YOU know what makes your heart flutter. Don't let yourself identify as "just" gay because society dictates us as dick-loving beasts. There's no shame in being openly gay, but (in my opinion) - there's plenty of shame in embracing the label. You're not just gay, you're Darien - I hope that makes sense...
...okay - I gotta stop rambling. Basically, we're all different. I see it as you being attracted to another human. That's all.
LoL u know what that does not mean your into girls. cause it would mean that you are atracted to what most girls embody which would be femininity. you were atracted to that person because she looked so much like a guy so nothings really changed and this has happened to me before hahah
HAHA... that was hilarious to read! Cracked me up.
But Darien, it's normal to find a girl hot. Does it makes you NOT gay if you say how hot a girl is? Ofcourse not. That's so stupid if people tell you that.
The gayness about us is loving the penis and manly-ness! LOL! ;-)
Wow! The same thing happens to me all the time! I'll see a 'hott guy,' but then when 'he' get's closer, I'll realize that it's a girl, but I'll still think she's hott. And I'm thinking to myself like 'wtf am I thinking?'
However, I don't think that it really affects your sexuality though, because you (and me) don't find the female parts attractive.
aww... yeah dont worry, you can still find girls hot, or pretty or beautiful. and not be attracted to them, it doesnt make you gay or straight or bi for that matter. lol its funny cuz my friends have the same issues about that.
all the best
i want to start by saying that it is m belief that most people are not exclusively heterosexual nor exclusively homosexual in their attractions...most people fall in between on the kinsey scale...but to answer ur question....if u thought... that she was a dude and ur attracted dudes...u liked her because she looked like a dude...which means ur sexually attracted to the male figure...so yea ur still gay...no matter if she was in fact a woman...she looked like a dude....which i what ur attracted too.... don't think to hard about it sexual orientation and human gender isn't as black and white...as people will have u to think...theyre not easy to box and place into categories ..they're not definite... we all have patterns in our attractions.... but we can always stray....consciously or subconsciously
Hi Darien, this is what I think about being gay
I have linked you to my blog and I have posted your hot boy with banana on my other blog BOYS I LIKE - hope it's OK.
I agree with the other comments, whatever you feel is alright.
I love your eyes!
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