ugh, reading my blog posts you'd think I was bi-polar, but i'm not, I just usually like to blog when I'm either really happy about something or really sad/angry. This is one of those sad/angry times.
It's funny, because my dad told me before ( a year or so ago ) he wants me to start talking to him about guys I like and who I'm interested in and pretty much the gay side of my life, which I pretty much keep isolated from my family/homelife, simply because it's almost nonexistent.
But the ONE evening I'm ready to go downstairs and talk to my dad about guys, the ONE night I need to discuss with him some things and hopefully get his input/advice/guidance/whatever the fuck you want to call it, The ONE night I'm ready, he decides to go off on me.
I've blogged about this before and I'm not about to get myself angry by getting into again, look through my old blogs. My parents like to go mad over the most insignificant shit possible. Sure, it may be annoying, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, to a well-adjusted person it doesn't matter, and they don't seem to pay too much attention to anything positive I do..
Anyway, simply put, the one night I was about to open up to my dad and talk to him in a way that I almost never do, he decides to act a fucking fool and yell over some really stupid crap. LOL, like I'm ever going to open up to him now. I guess that's what friends are for.
I'm grateful for the friends that I have who listen to me, without them, I wouldn't know who to turn to.
Thank you.
And thanks Dad, for showing me the value of my friendships and how much I need to appreciate them when you act like that.
Hey man.
I would love to know u better. BTW, I'm from Brazil n I think that ur vids r really cool. Please, add me on ur msn:
Oh, and BTW, my name is Eldo ( even in Brazil is an unusual name kk )
bye man
Happy New Year Darien!
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