My family has been a mess for a while now.
IT seems like our house is some kind of war-zone. Everyone seems to be aftereveryone else, trying to point out their screw-ups and making the biggest issue out of things while simultaneously claiming to "not care."
"Should he really have that in his room? I think you should go talk with him about it. BUt I don't care" If you don't care about something then STFU and don't bring shit up. Obviously you do care if you chose to say something about it being a little nosy pest.
Lately I've been walking on eggshells around everyone in the house, including my dad, who seems ready to be angry at insignificant thigns for no reason. Me leaving a dish in the sink is a LOT less important than our dysfuncitonal family, maybe people should focus on THAT problem instead.
I've been staying in my room as much as possible these days. God I can't wait until college comes around, then i'll be free, I wish I had a job so at least I'd be out and away from this madness for a few hours everyday, but no such luck.
Oh well, I'm going to Kentucky and trying to plan a visit with my best friends soon, that should take my mind off things. The school year starting will be another nice distraction. I hope I can get a job though, at this point I just want to be away, I barely care about the money.