Yep, I still ain't got no job. Just got home about an hour ago from putting in an application somewhere again. Wish me luck.
My family isn't doing so well in the financial department, and money around here has been tight, I hope things work themselves out soon. I've been on welfare before, it's not fun.
I actually made a decent video late last night and I'm proud of myself :-)
The show I was supposed to be apart of at school totally got canceled, so now I have a lto of free time, which helps a lot even though the cancellation was kind've disappointing, I'm over it. Unlike many of my Drama Club/acting peers, I don't desire to have a career as a performer at all, really. I'd much rather be someone who writes, shoots, edits, and develops concepts for films. Tuesday is a Shakespeare recitation contest though, and I'm nervous as FUCK about it. Oh god, I hope I do OK. Really I'm only in it because my drama teacher sort've pressured me into it and I'd like to win a trip to New York :P
You could cut the tension in the air with a knife at my house. I don't know, my dad has been under a lot of stress lately so I can attribute a lot of the way he's been behaving to some issues, but sometimes I can't help but feel like the way he reacts to certain things is inexcusable. I hope things lighten up soon, I don't like being on-edge in my own goddamn home.
I kind've want the job just so I can be independent and show my parents that I"m slowly moving away from them. I want to have my own money, no matter how little it is, and have more freedom. I still need to take the test for my driver's permit and I've been procrastinating with that. Most of my friends want a car really bad and really, I could care less. A car is jsut one more thing I don't need that I'll have to pay for. I kind've want a moped or something small that'll get me across town when I don't feel like being at home (the feeling has become more and more commonplace these days...) , but that's about it.
About to play on my PS3 with my brother, yay sibling bonding? We talkedo n the walk home from the store we both applied to, I like talking to my brother and us actually being OK with each other, I wish we were like that more often.
I hope I don't have any homework tonight. G'night gang.
1 comment:
Um, WoW! I dont think I can be any better than you at blogging cause to me, your like the blog/vlog master. So anyways, I need a job too...kinda for the same reasons you do...but my parents will not let me... I hope everything thats going on gets better. Dont forget if you ever need someone to talk to or need to go somewhere if ya wanna get out of the house, we can hangout or something.
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