The wasteland was vast, the region was flat with the exception of the foothill she now stood upon.
As she gazed at the horizon and the great plain that stretched before her, she heard distant cries for help from the few survivors that laid amongst the fallen warriors. There were thousands upon thousands of corpses around her, everywhere, as far as the eye could see.
Suddenly the sky turned from it's usual dark grey to a sickening red.
It was time.
They had arrived.
She looked above as a red glowing vortex began to appear in the gloomy sky overhead.
She gripped her sword and let out a war cry.
The first of the beasts were beginning to spiral downward...
1 comment:
you know what i like?
a boy who can write. and you can write.
psst, i hope the story continues [although i would still like to hear about your life (:]
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