Not sure how connected to YouTube this blog is going to be. I guess I can't say I've severed all connection having just linked my channel. Probably going to mention this in a video one of these days too. Just one.
But anyway, to any of you looking to read anything incredibly action-packed and entertaining, you might want to pass onto the blog next door, this blog is going to feature a lot of what goes on in my head, including artwork, photos, possibly literary art of some sort, [ DREAMS ], rants, loves, things lost, thoughts, etc. Just an online journal for me to reflect on later.
In other words, if you want to know me on an even more personal level than those who watch my YouTube videos, this is a good place to start (although I will warn you I'm a pretty strange person). I plan on blogging on a very regular basis, even more than my videos because this is a LOT easier to do. I doubt this blog will receive nearly as much traffic as my vids.
This particular post is pretty dull, pretty lame, pretty flat, and I apologize -_-" Not much going on right now. I'll post some info here though:
1. My summer has been dull and I feel bad for not getting out at ALL and doing absolutely nothing, I need to step up pretty soon.
2. Just got my grade report for the last year from school today. Seven 'A's and one 'B+' . I swear if there's some sort of deity up there in the cosmos, he or she really likes to fuck with me. This ONE B+ has stained my report card and making my dad question whether or not I'm deserving of a new MacBook to replace my tired old PC we built in our living room years ago.
3. I think I might be getting closer to a certain crush I have. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like dudes, and I'm pretty sure I'm being a hypocrite for telling people how I think crushing on straight guys is pointless, and then going back and doing it myself.
4. Stickam should be fun tonight, I've been so stressed running around town planning the awesome father's day that happened yesterday that I really didn't have the time or energy to be up all-night acting a fool in Travis' room. I also feel bad for telling Gian to get on stickam a LOT more and then the nights following, not getting on stickam myself.
Alright I'm done. And you're probably asleep.
I'll try to post every day.
I just subscribed to your youtube a couple of weeks ago and am trying to catch up on all your stuff. So far, I am mightily impressed. I remember that someone said you were the Voice of the Unheard. What a compliment! And how true. I can't wait for more. I am so proud of you for the grades Darien! Awesome! And hell yes you deserve the new Mac! TTYL
(Why am I reading this a week later?)
LOL - anyways, don't feel bad. I'm not on Stickam as much as I'd like to be (or as much as I should be on), but only because I'm trying to get healthier (whatever that means).
I second that, Calvin. Even if you're dad isn't buying us all MacBooks, awesome job with the grades.
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