Actually, it was tilted more towards the good side, most of the time.
Went job hunting again today, went to four or five different establishments, none of which were hiring OR were hiring anyone under aged. Which is pretty lame. The only places left immediately within decent walking distance from my house was a hair salon and a nail salon.
I definitely wouldn't be working around a nail salon, my brain is screwed up enough without noxious nail polish fumes being pumped into my bloodstream via my lungs every other second.
I'm not sure if the manager of a hair salon could trust me too long with sharp objects in my hand near someone's head. First off: I don't know how to cut hair, so that eliminates that job right there. Perhaps they're hiring for someone to clean up or something? Be a secretary and organize appointments? THAT I could do, I wouldn't mind it either, I'm hesitant to ask though. I wonder if I can use a stereotype for personal gain and tell them I'm gay to get myself hired.
Doubt it'd work.
I'm sure my desperation for money and employment has made itself obvious to you by now.
Alright, that's enough about jobs for now.
I was gonna make a video tonight but decided against it. Not for any particular reason, but I felt like logging on AIM/MSN, turning up some smooth jazz, and blogging instead :-)
As for that reminder word I left myself: rebuild.
Hmmm, I think I'll save that post for another night.
This is an odd feeling, and I'm sure this post isn't any more sturctured than my last one. Oh well.
I'm done.
PS: don't be pretentious. go listen to some Gota

adding a new song to the player, should be up in a few.
1 comment:
Your musical taste never ceases to impress me, but we've already discussed that :].
Anyway, onto commenting the actual post. I love all of your posts (duh, I subscribed to the RSS after all :p) but this one was especially fun to read. You're a great writer; very entertaining indeed.
I was laughing really hardly trying to imagine you acting stereotypically gay for the hair salon job. Dar+stereotyped gay=not possible but uproariously hilarious to imagine.
And I do enjoy your videos but I like talking to you on AIM more. A guess a bit selfish of me but it's true! So I'm very happy you made the choice you did. What I really need is a camera so we could Stickam it up!
You should make a series on your channel of you jobhunting. That'd be YouTube entertainment at it's best.
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